Soil surveying field trip at the Athens Ben-Epps Airport, course ESC1180, students measuring [photograph]

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Surveying , Community college students , Men in education , Airports , Runways (Aeronautics) , Watwood, Aaron , Soils



Date Submitted


Material Type

Recruitment and Outreach

Secondary Material Type

Photographic Image - Outreach


ATCx3 Consortia

Industry Partner



Funding Source

Additional Public Access


The purpose of the field trip is to engage students in a site assessment using references provided by the Engineering Technology faculty, Aaron Watwood, students identified surveying instruments and discussed the best ways to locate boundary points in the Athens-Ben Epps Airport. Students consulted maps and using observation skills determined a strategy to locate boundaries and monuments hidden by the vegetation that were established near the main runway. Using measuring tape, students were able to ensure that points found made sense, then erected and hammered stakes tying a bright tape to each stake to practice land-marking. Using a metal detector, students surveyed the areas identified as possible monument locations and used a shovel to remove vegetation and uncover monuments. Photograph by Natasha Barreto, Instructional Designer, Athens Technical College, 2015.

Industry (NAISC)

Occupation (SOC)

Instructional Program (CIP)

Credit Type

Credential Type

Educational Level

Skill Level

Quality Assurance Organization