Endocrine Anatomy

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Hypothalamus , Neurosecretory cells , Pituitary gland (hypophysis) , anterior lobe (adenohypophysis) , posterior lobe(neurohypophysis) , infundibulum , Thyroid gland , isthmus , right and left lateral lobes , follicles of thyroid gland , follicular cells and prafollicular cells , Parathyroid glands , chief (principle cells) , Adrenal (suprarenal) gland , adrenal cortex , zona glomerulosa , zona fasciculata , zona reticularis , adrenal medulla , Pancreas , pancreatic islets (islets of Langerhans) , Ovaries , ovarian follicles , Testes , seminiferous tubules , interstitial cells ( Leydig cells) , Pineal gland , Thymus gland



Petroka, Louise

Date Submitted


Material Type

Online Course Module

Secondary Material Type



Norwalk Community College

Industry Partner

Microburst Learning worked with instructors to convert and create boosters in an interactive, AIM compliant e-learning format associated with this grant.



Funding Source


Additional Public Access



This booster covers the anatomy of endocrine system using videos and a presentation on the microscopic anatomy. Also contained in this module are images for labeling. These files are SCORM packages and can be easily uploaded to your Learning Management System (LMS), such as Blackboard or Desire2Learn. If you want to view or use the files without an LMS, download the files to your computer, extract (unzip) the file, open the extracted folder, and click to open the story.html file. The booster or test will open in your browser window. If used on your LMS, for the booster, the user will be given a score of complete or incomplete; for the pre and post-tests, the user will be given a numerical score. This scoring functionality and completion data is only available if used on an LMS. The SCORM packages are complete and not available for editing. If you would like to include additional information, consider adding the content before or after the booster on your LMS.

Industry (NAISC)

Developmental Education

Occupation (SOC)

Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations (19-0000)

Instructional Program (CIP)

Credit Type

Credential Type

Stacked/Latticed Credential Model
Associate Degree

Educational Level

1st year Community College or equivalent
2nd Year Community College or equivalent

Skill Level

Quality Assurance Organization